What is Perseverance?

My son Sam and my daughter in law, Opal have persevered through some immense business challenges.

A few years ago they planned to open an early childhood centre in Ngaruawahia. They persevered through council requirements and community objection and never gave up. They now have a successful child care facility called Caring Kids in full operation.  

Caring Kids

The next project was Sam and Opal’s training facility called Journies. The facility was due to open September last year but met with building delays. The building was eventually completed then they encountered consent issues with the Council. The consent issues, due to factors outside of their control were resolved. With the council issues resolved they were ready to open.

Covid – 19 arrived and they were forced into lockdown.

Sam and Opal, who have 5 boys who range in age from 6 to 19 years old have been slapped down many times. They just keep getting up.  

Faced with a training facility now operational but unable to be used they swiftly decided it was time to shift to digital marketing. While traversing the massive learning curve of digital marketing, social media and Zoom sessions, developed online sessions for training and quickly had two classes running per day while building an online presence.

Their story was captured in the Waikato Business News

In terms of timing, it couldn’t have been much tighter: Hamilton’s newest gym was set to open just four days before level four lockdown, waiting only for the final council tick.

“With gyms closed, and remaining closed even at level three, we have been working hard to develop our online services because, well, we had to, it was either make-or-break,” Opal says. “We also noticed that, although things have been crazy for most people, a lot of them have used lockdown as an opportunity to reflect and re-evaluate their own health and wellbeing.”

Opal Higgins


Social media was key; they quickly built membership of a Facebook group from the initial half dozen who had already signed on to an impressive 400-plus within two weeks.

They even had participants from Australia and the US in their 21-Day, At Home Transformation Challenge, which drew a strong response that saw them cap numbers at 25.

Waikato Business News

Seeing this level of perseverance and persistence in your son and daughter in law is an exceptional thing to witness. This perseverance and persistence extends not only to their business approach. It extends to their commitment and love for each other. They gently support and care for each other. Sam often states that Opal is the brains of the operation.

On several matters I have said to Sam when challenged by an obstacle, “How are we going to overcome this?”

Sam smiles and says,

“I don’t know Opal will sort it out!”.

This statement is not one of irresponsibility but one of deep trust.


Sam and Opal are now preparing for the Grand Opening.

My grandsons have worked at the gym as they did at the childcare centre. They have been models for merchandise and made up numbers for workout sessions. This is truly a non-franchise family owned private training facility. This facility is the product of perseverance and persistence toward a dream.  

How do we Define Perseverance?

Persistence and perseverance seem to have terribly similar definitions. Upon researching definitions the result is very similar.

Persistence: Firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action despite difficulty or opposition.

Perseverance: Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

For this article I am using Perseverance in the context of steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

So how do you do that? How do you push on when you’re at your lowest ebb and just want to crawl away and hide from the world for a while? It’s an important question that’s rarely discussed in detail. Psychologist and author Rick Hanson has advice.

Rick Hansen shares his 6 step guide for those who are tempted to quit but want to find the strength to keep doing.

Step 1: Make sure your goals are worthy of your perseverance.

Step 2: Recall past persistence.

Step 3: Take a step.

Step 4: Set your pace.

Step 5: Just keep going (even if it’s only in your mind).

It can be challenging when you are stuck. I see people in my leadership courses who are diligent in their efforts but facing a trying time at work or home. If the momentum is lost it does not mean all is lost.

“You can continue to reflect on what’s happening, learn to cope with it better, and love the people around you. And over time maybe things will improve,”


There are times when teeth gritting determination is not the wisest path. Is there is no reward even with patience it is time to walk away.

When faced with obstacles you may well be entering a period of learning. These moments help us to develop and strengthen wisdom. We do this by looking for memories of similar challenges and reflecting upon how we have overcome challenges in the past.

Progress comes by committing to a daily minimum effort. The frequency may be less than a day but the point is to determine the minimum effort and hold to that 1% improvement.

Perseverance in Action

Sam and Opal have achieved a great deal through their combined perseverance. They are now at the next step which is the Grand Opening on the 19th and 20th June.

The images you see above may give the appearance of a gym. Sam calls it a Training Facility.

Sam and Opal have the by line, We take care of it all.


Because they are more than a gym.


Their concept is in harmony with their location on the corner of Victoria and Collingwood Street. Busy people working in the Hamilton CBD can walk to the Journies Facility and receive effective workouts developed by Sam who draws on his training and experience as the Strength and Conditioning Coach with the Steelers and the Chiefs. Journies members also receive Nutrition Coaching and Personal Development \ Life Coaching. That is why Sam and Opal say, We take care of it all”

Sam Higgins Journies Owner

They did not buy into a Franchise. They teach the ethos they live by. Perseverance with expert support for your body, through diet and exercise plus coaching for personal development.

They really do take care of it all.

Author – A Proud Dad 🙂

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