Are you looking to become a more mindful manager? Emotional intelligence (EI) is an important skill to have when it
comes to managing people. With The Mindful Manager, you can learn how to apply the principles of emotional
intelligence to the workplace. From understanding the difference between empathy and sympathy to building trust
and maintaining relationships. Get ready to become the mindful manager you’ve always wanted to be!

Emotional Intelligence

Will EI make a difference?

EI – you’ve probably heard the term tossed around in professional contexts, self-help circles, and trending TED Talks. Read on to discover what it truly means, and more importantly, how can it transform your personal and professional life. How can it unlock the secret to better relationships, successful leadership, and a more fulfilling life?

So let’s imagine a world where you understand your emotions and those of people around you and imagine how this understanding could enhance your decision-making, improve your relationships, and lead to greater success in your career.

What will you get from this book?

In this book, we will delve deep into the concept of emotional intelligence, giving you a comprehensive understanding of what it means, why it matters, and how you can improve your emotional intelligence.

This book isn’t just another theory-laden tome; it’s a practical guide equipped with real-world examples, self-assessment tools, and actionable strategies to enhance your emotional intelligence. So, buckle up and prepare yourself for a transformative journey that could change your life.

As businesses rapidly evolve in today’s dynamic world, emotional intelligence has become an increasingly popular concept among managers who recognize its significance for success.

With emotional intelligence comes a valuable skillset that helps individuals navigate social situations effectively while forging strong relationships with colleagues.

I have taught this topic for over nine years and received considerable feedback on the effectiveness of the application of this knowledge. It has been a very satisfying and fulfilling experience. The courses I run are a combination of online work and 4 – 5 face-to-face full-day sessions over twelve months. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to witness individual change and growth amongst the attendees.

Use the link below to secure your copy of The Mindful Manager.