My 10 years of teaching leadership courses have allowed me to understand the real issues for front-line managers. I know the aspects of leadership that work in the context of developing teams and creating a great organisational culture.

My passion is to share and encourage leadership. A great workplace culture arises from the following;

Accountability – The Capacity to set goals – Leadership – and Emotional intelligence

Andrew’s books now available on Amazon

Accordingly, this book will help you to learn easy ways to build productive habits that will lead to more beneficial daily rituals. As a matter of fact, you will also develop your capacity for leadership.

You are already living a ritual. Basically what you now have is the result of your unconscious daily rituals.

If you are looking to become a more mindful manager then this book will help you to develop your leadership capacity. Additionally, you will learn practical techniques supported by real-world
examples. Additionally, you will learn how to be a better leader and create a more productive and positive work environment
for everyone.


A companion workbook to the Mindful Manager. This book contains all the stories from the Mindful Manger and all the activity sheets to support you to develop team learning activities

Stories from The Mindful Manager

Soon to be released…


Introduction to
Team Leadership (Level 4)

First Line Management
(Level 4)